Your credit score is the main factor which makes you either high risk, or low risk profile in terms of lending you a credit. Whatever mistakes you do with your financials, will be directly reflected on your credit report which shall further result in a low credit score. So it is necessary to check your credit score every now and then.
A higher credit score will not only benefit you in the present, but shall also be useful for your future plans. To correct or maintain your existing credit score, you should know the reasons which affected your credit score and work on them, which will give you a range of benefits.
Let’s check upon the reasons that shall result in a lower credit score.
- Your payment was more than 30 days late
- You have a high balance on one or more credit cards
- You made multiple inquiries for credit
- Your credit card was closed or cancelled
- Identity theft or a mixed credit file is dragging you down
- Paying only the minimum amount due for credit card
- Errors in your credit report
- Not having a credit mix
- Length of Credit History
- Your unpaid account was sent to collection