What is Identity Theft?

It is an extremely stressful situation, when you find out that you are the victim of identity theft or some other type of credit score malfunction. It is costly in terms of lowering your creditworthiness. Though you are financially protected, you are still an identity theft victim; it takes significant action and commitment on your part to re correct it. Identity Theft is when someone steals your personal information with the intent of establishing credit under your name and subsequently charging goods and services to you. This could include someone using your credit card(s) to make unauthorized purchases or using your identity to take out loans. The type of personal information a criminal can use of you includes: your name, address and social security number. If you are one of those who have had such a devastating experience then you should step to Apoorvaa which is going to help you to remove those accounts from your credit score that do not belong to you. Do you know that In India, 4 out of 10 people (39%) have experienced Identity Theft. It also found that while 61 percent of respondents feel well–protected against identity theft, 63 percent would have no idea what to do in case of an identity theft, and more than three–quarters (79 percent ) wish they had more information on what to do if it were to happen. One of the reports reveals that men are more prone to identity thefts and cyber–attacks than women. About 44% of participants who had faced identity theft were men, while 33% were women. Similarly, 84% victims of some form of cyber–crime were men compared with 76% women. Compared with global peers, 81% Indians are more worried about their privacy. The global average is 67%. Do not ignore any unpleasant activity in your credit life and take immediate action.

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