Your credit report is not just a piece of paper but an important factor behind many things in your life such as the home you live in, the job you get, how much money you can borrow and how much interest you will pay. In nutshell, your credit report and score are important to your overall financial wellbeing.
If you only check your credit report while applying for a loan or credit card then think twice. Apoorvaa is giving the answer to your question: why should you check your credit report on regular intervals.
It is an important step in rebuilding and maintaining good credit
(2) It is an important part of managing your personal finance
(3) It is the first step in correcting any information you feel is inaccurate, that helps you to maintain error-free and accurate record
(4) Know your financial standing
(5) Stay in control of your loan or credit card
(6) Help you know whether you deserve a better card or loan
(7) To avoid rejection of a loan application
(8) To avoid rejection of a job application
(9) To guard against Identity Theft
Once you understand why you should check your credit report often, you should know that it is also important to analyze your current financial situation as well, so that you can take necessary action to improve it. This is also very important if you have any future plan for applying for any kind of loan or some other type of loan for a major purchase.
If you do not know how to analyze then Apoorvaa will help you with the analysis part and give you a sure sort solution in case you have discrepancies in your credit report.